Why has American society developed so violently?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Why has American society developed so violently? Violence in American society is a vast topic starting at its birth in the 1776 Revolution and continuing to the present day. Despite the diversity of each period of violence there are common features that resurface in each one. The use of violence to found the nation and also to preserve it in Civil War, legitimatised it with the belief that "violence in a good cause pays" . In many …

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…violence is fear of the unknown. This is what most violence in American demonstrates. 2,077 words Bibliography David H. Bennett, "The Party of Fear", Chapel Hill & London, 1988 Edward L. Ayers, "Vengeance and Justice: Crime and Punishment in the 19th Century American South", Oxford, 1984 Richard M. Brown, "Strain of Violence: Historical Studies of American violence and vigilantism", Oxford, 1975 Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, "Violence and Reform in American History", New York 1978 Richard M. Brown "American Violence" Spectrum Books, 1970