Why forgive?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
E. H. Chapin was quoted as saying: "Never does the human soul appear so strong and noble as when it forgoes revenge and dares to forgive an injury". I believe Chapin understood what the majority of the world ignores. How is forgiveness daring? Is revenge not a matter of honour? We tend to think of pardon as a naive act of pacifism, but it is more than letting the wrongdoer off easy. Surprisingly, there is …

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…longer controlled by our emotional impulses. Sooner or later, those who have harmed us will feel remorse. By forgiving them, we are fuelling their shame. They shall struggle with repentance for a long time before they free themselves from guilt. And that can only be done if they learn to love themselves. But how can they love themselves if they do not have sympathy and compassion? For they were surely indifferent when they harmed us.