Why fix what isnt broken? Why the Drinking age should be lowered to 18

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Why Fix What Isn't Broken? As recently as a few months ago our leaders made a dumb decision to go to war with Iraq. This is not the first nor the last. The capitalist, imperialist government has made other horrible decisions. That includes changing the drinking age to 21. What were they thinking? They obviously made the wrong choice along with capitalism. At 18 you are a legal adult. One can do many adult things. Getting married …

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…is perfectly displayed in the current situation. Adults are and should be treated as adults upon reaching age 18. The government is actually hurting the situation by forcing it underground, away from watchful eyes. The United States is the only nation to have a 21 year old drinking age. Why does this lone privilege stick out among the rest? An exhaustively researched essay by: Scott Devlin- bet Denmark and Iceland don't have to deal with this stuff.