Why does the Chinese government at the start of the 21st century refuse to give its people rights despite encouraging private enterprise in industry commerce?

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
To answer this question you would have to focus why the Chinese Government refuses to give its people democratic rights. The paradox in the question is why over the last 25 years state control over the Chinese economy has been relaxed but the CCP still holds its dictatorial grip over the country. This is different where as most countries in the world economic freedom is linked to political freedom. A strong example of the tight grip …

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…their policies. In China the CCP is considered to be the spearhead of the urban working class and of other workers united with it (peasants, intellectuals, etc.). Its role is to aid in the building of a Socialist regime during the transitory phase between capitalism and pure Socialism, called the dictatorship of the proletariat. In China, democratic concepts were emphasized, and constitutional amendments eliminated the party's official control, clearing the way for a multiparty system.