Why do people comply to social rules and expectation.
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Words: 1603
Pages: 6
(approximately 235 words/page)
Pages: 6
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Social Sciences
Why Do People Comply With Social Rules and Expectation? Rules are statement on what can, should or must be done in particular circumstances. They govern our daily life whether we are aware of them or not. Rules are divided into two, direct rules(written formal rules) such as laws regarding manslaughter or incest and indirect rules(unwritten informal rules) such as norms, values and traditions of a particular society. Social expectation serves as a powerful
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most reasonable reason why they comply is because of their own self-interest. They believe that the rules will protect them from the aggression of others. They comply with the expectation of the society so that they will be accepted by others and in return they will be protected by the higher authority and other members of society. No matter what, people need to comply so that social order and solidarity can be maintained and preserved.
most reasonable reason why they comply is because of their own self-interest. They believe that the rules will protect them from the aggression of others. They comply with the expectation of the society so that they will be accepted by others and in return they will be protected by the higher authority and other members of society. No matter what, people need to comply so that social order and solidarity can be maintained and preserved.