Why do kids Kill?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
As we see many faces there are many cases, this case is the mental world of the young killers." They are frustrated, angry, in some pain, not getting everything they want. The children feel like victims. Having no concern about others - not thinking about others. It is all about who they are and what they want. Aggression has been called the"default" setting for human behavior. People turn aggressive, "when you don't have the …

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…is valueless, uneducated, unrealistic, violent, and creates artificially generated expectations of "equality" based on a supposedly "level" playing field created by saying everyone (regardless of effort or achievement) is the same. People tend to ignore basic laws of nature and turn children loose with no guidance, expecting that somehow they will do the right thing. Then, when one of them turns into a monster, people wring their hands and ask where they went wrong. Dumb!