Why do dying people and their carers find uncertainty difficult and what could be done to help?

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This assignment will firstly define the term uncertainty in the context of dying. It will identify the emotions which people experience when living with uncertainty and look at the reasons why dying people and their carers find this difficult. The term carers will be defined and the carers' position in context to the dying person will be discussed. Secondly this assignment will look at ways in which to minimise or prevent uncertainty within the caring …

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…English Dictionary (1999) Websters Reference Library, Concise Edition English Dictionary, Scotland: Geddes & Grosset Wenchell, E. (1995) Your Emotional Well-being: Living with Uncertainty. Available from http://www.amputee-coalition.org/easyread/inmotion/spring_95/uncertainty.html [accessed 29th January 2005] Williams, C. (1991) Learning the Hard Way, In Dickenson, D, Johnson, M. & Samson Katz, J. (Eds) Death, Dying and Bereavement, London: Sage. Wimber, J. (1993) Thunderstruck, Living with uncertainty. Available from http://thunderstruck.org/signswonders/Living%20with%20Uncertainty.htm