Why did the usa get involved in Vietnam in the 1950's and 1960's?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
There was many reasons for the USA to get involved in Vietnam between the 1950's and 60's however they were all in stages, not just in one go. They called America and USA'S 'clash' the "Cold War" which began mainly due to America and the USSR'S political differences. The USSR was a communist state and the USA and the other countries who were their partners were capalist states or countries. Many people believed that capalists …

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…sent to the airbase of Danang and from then on the Americans took control of South Vietnamese war effort. This all generally happened due to the Americans obsession with communism and their belief of the domino theory, that once one country turned communist, so would the next and next which made the Americans more involved with Vietnam as time went by with the Americans trying to stop the spread of communism across South East Asia.