Why did the number of people migrating to Britain increase during the three decades following the Second World War?

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Essay Database > History > World History
There are several reasons why the amount of individuals migrating to Britain improved for the duration of the thirty years following the Second World War. Many soldiers from Britain's overseas communities were made to join armed forces. Many men from the Indian sub-continent and the Caribbean islands contributed to the war effort. This therefore emphasised their view of themselves as loyal British Citizens fighting for their country. The majority of the men were based in …

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…the population of Britain increase rapidly during the three decades after the second world war, it is clear that the main causes were that the people needed employment and the people felt they were being encouraged to come to Britain. Also, Britain's reputation was extremely good, and some people tried to escape from the dangers of their home-land. This seems to be a main cause as most people came to Britain for that very reason.