Why did the allies disagree over the treatment of Germany in 1919?

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Essay Database > History > European History
The allies disagreed over the treatment of Germany in 1919 because they all had different experiences of war. France is geographically situated right next to Germany, and had the most casualties and damage, as the battles had largely taken place on French soil . They were old enemies, having been humiliated in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles with the establishment of the Second German Empire in 1870-1871. The Prime Minister, Clemenceau was the Mayor of Paris …

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…America at the time, and he was coming up for re-election soon. In order to gain votes, he set out to appeal to the immigrants, by offering them a safer homeland in which to live in. Like the United Kingdom, the United States of America was also a big exporter of goods to Germany, and American industries would be hit if the Germans did not have enough money to pay for imports of American goods.