Why did the United States get involved in the Vietnam War?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Why did the United States get involved in the Vietnam War? Explain what factors led American policymakers down the path towards war, and cite specific examples of critical events that reflected these factors. There was no specific factor that led the united states into getting involved in the Vietnam war, but rather a gradual series of events and decisions which would lead them down such a path. The initial reasons for U.S. involvement in …

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…Vietnam War. Manchester 1998. 3. Dunn, Peter M; The First Vietnam War. London 19??. 4. Thompson, W Scott; Frizzel Donaldson D. The Lessons Of Vietnam. London 1977. 5. Small, Melvin; Johnson, Nixon And The Doves. New Jersey 1988. 6. Thies, Wallace J; When Governments Collide. London 1980. 7. Smith, R. B; An International History Of The Vietnam War. Hong Kong 1983. 8. Pike, Douglas; Viet Cong. Massachusetts 1966. 9. McGarvey, Patrick J. Visions Of Victory. Stanford University 1969. 10. Gardiner, Lloyd C; Approaching Vietnam: From World War II Through Dienbienphu. Ontario 1988.