Why did the U.S. drop the second bomb so close to the first?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 was meant to show the powerful new weapon to the entire world. The United States wanted to be recognized as the most powerful nation, and winning the atomic race was a big step in that direction. More than 80,000 civilians died when the first atomic bomb hit Hiroshima, leaving four square miles completely demolished. Until recently, many people had trouble understanding why Hiroshima and Nagasaki …

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…of the bombing had no idea what was going on politically or diplomatically at the time that the second bomb was dropped. All of these things destroyed the possibility of avoiding the second bombing. This is part of a three-part assignment. The other pieces are Did the military situation justify a surprise attack with the atom bomb? and Did the U.S. want to surprise Japan or the Soviet Union? Thank you for your time.