Why did the ALP lose the election of December 13th 1975 so badly?

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Essay Database > History > World History
When the Australian Labor Party came to power in November 1972, it was following almost a quarter of a century of Liberal government, whose policies were becoming increasingly outdated in comparison to the forward thinking promises of ALP leader, Gough Whitlam. The following three years were a program of social reform, though the leadership period suffered under the effects of a world economy turned sour and through a perceived mismanagement of the Australian finances. Combined with …

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…Realities in Conflict (2nd Ed.). South Melbourne: Macmillan Company of Australia Pty. Ltd. FARNSWORTH, M. The Whitlam Dismissal. http://www.thewhitlamdismissal.com. Last Updated Sept 14 2003 FARRELL, F. Themes in Australian History. Kensington: New South Wales University Press, 1990 KELLY, P. The Chance of Politics. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company. 1997 PARLIAMENTARY EDUCATION OFFICE http:// www.peo.gov.au/ Last Updated Unknown SMITH, R & WATSON, L. (Eds.) Politics in Australia. North Sydney: Allen & Unwin Australia Ltd. 1990