Why did people migrate to the colonies.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Why go West? Why did people migrate to the colonies? People migrated to the colonies for a number of reasons; especially oppurtunity. These reasons include push and pull factors; both counter-balanced by intervening obstacles. The push factors that repelled the migrants from Europe to the colonies; and the pull factors that attracted them to America consist of the following. The industrial revolution and economic opportunity were two primary reasons for migrating to America. The industrial …

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…and often dangerous trip to America, the seperation from your family and home land and often going with out anything and the risk of getting there and failing to grow anything to eat. People migrated to America for a number of reasons and there were more push factors that drove them out of Europe than there were push factors that steered them to America. Both of which were counter-balanced by the intervening obstacles. By BeefyBoi