Why did many Americans oppose US involvement in the Vietnam War?

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
There were a number of reason that why did many Americans oppose US involvement in the Vietnam War, however public knew US had to stop the spreading of communism. First of all, one reason many Americans oppose US involvement in the Vietnam war is that Vietnam War was the first war reported live coverage by many medias. So when Americans are having a breakfast, the war is keep going at the opposite of earth and …

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…total<Tab/>8,744,000<Tab/>211,005<Tab/>47,253<Tab/>10,449<Tab/>153,303<Tab/>2.41% http://www.special-warfare.net/data_base/101_war_data/vietnam_war/vietnam01.html Explain: in 1968, over 15,000 American s had already died in the conflict. And at the next year, this number greatly increased. At the end of the war, 58,000 died in the Vietnam War. Conclution: