Why did USA become involved in Vietnam in the 1950's and 1960's?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia near China. Vietnam was an important country because it is crucial to the free world. Its economy is essential to the economy of all Southeast Asia. Vietnam's political liberty is an inspiration in all parts of Asia. We know this because source A written by John F Kennedy tells us. Before the 2nd World War Vietnam was part of the large French Empire in Indo-China. During the war the …

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…prevent further aggression. Congress passed the gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave Johnson the power to increase US, involvement in Vietnam. All of these actions, the attack on Maddox, the domino theory of one county falling another will follow and the Truman Doctrine helped contribute to the US getting more involved in Vietnam. It all started off from when the French asked for help, and America gave it. It was like a domino of events.