Why did US citizens change their opinion on the Vietnam War as it progressed?

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The opinion of the citizens of the United States began to change as time passed and incidents took place. The government misled the people, the people became dissatisfied with the current situation and families were torn apart. As American got sucked deeper into the war, Americans wanted to get out more badly. The growth of anti-war movements was caused by a mixture of different factors. The decline of support for the Vietnam War mainly started …

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…the reasons behind fighting the Vietnam War and therefore could not see why they should sacrifice the lives of American soldiers and invest so much money. With the increase of media coverage on the Vietnam War, the people soon realized how disillusioned they were about the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War cost 58,000 American's their lives and still has effect on domestic politics in the United States. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Interview from Time Magazine (found from Wikipedia.org)