Why did Romeo and Juliet Die?

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy about two 'star-crossed lover' ending their lives for each other's passion and love. Their deaths were caused by many factors such as their destined fate to die, unlucky happenings and misfortune and their sudden adolescent passion. These elements are the reasons of tragic moments of this Shakespearean play. Firstly, the stars foretold the two lovers' deaths. Astrology played an important element in the play because many people during that …

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…rushed death. Suddenness of adolescent passion may not be intentional. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet's haste in their marriage may have cause their deaths because they were deeply in love and nothing will keep them apart. The lives of Romeo and Juliet have experience many elements, which affected their relationship and the resistance to stay together. Unfortunately, their lives ended with a statement that cannot be weakened throughout the play's atmosphere-'their love for each other.'