Why did North Vietnam win and what were the consequences?

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
The Ho Chi Minh Campaign of April 1975 marked the end of the Republic of Vietnam with the fall of Saigon on the 30th and the beginning of Communist rule. The United States could not believe that the war they had pumped billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of soldiers into was in vain; it was truly a first in U.S. military history that the country had technically "lost a war." After almost 30 years …

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…war, but the numbers of those who had it greatly increased after the war. The horrors of this war had affected the soldiers in a much greater capacity that those who fought in previous wars. The Vietnam War acts as a reminder even today that the U.S.'s tendency to intervene on the global stage, even though it is the most powerful nation in the world, can have detrimental outcomes if not planned carefully.