Why did Lloyd George fall from power in 1922?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Why did Lloyd George fall from power in 1922? Lloyd George won overwhelmingly in 1918 as "the man who won the war". How is it that he fell from power in 1922 never to return to the premiership? A multitude of problems struck both Lloyd George and his government some were his own faults others were political circumstances beyond his control. These problems progressively mounted up so high they obscured Lloyd George's successes and toppled him from power. …

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…in Chanak and without a firm power base (caused primarily by the split in the Liberal party) Lloyd George fell from power. The lack of support within the coalition led to decisions, which lost him even more support out of it, which in turn led to the conservatives feeling Lloyd George had lost his popularity and therefore his usefulness causing their departure from the coalition. The break up of the coalition forced Lloyd George's resignation.