"Why did Hindenburg appoint Hitler as Chancellor in 1933?"

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Hitler's rise to power and his appointment as Chancellor in 1933 by Hindenburg, was the result of several, often enduring factors that effected Germany and Hitler's own approach to increasing his influence and support throughout the country. The most significant of these issues can be said to be the long-term bitterness experienced by the German people - due to the World War One and ruthless demands of the Treaty of Versailles, an ineffective constitution which lead …

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…- i.e. the dramatic loss of public confidence in the constitutional democracy due to its associations with Versailles and the so called undeserved defeat of World War One, additionally the raising popularity of the Nazis Movement stood as a defiant force against the government. It was these issues as well as Hindenburgs belief that if he appointed Hitler his support with strengthen his own, that led to the employment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933.