Why did America get increasingly involved in the Vietnam War?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
America's increase of participation in the Vietnam War was mainly caused by the long-running causes of the cold war, which were fear of communism and containment. The Vietnam War really started in 1945 with the North Vietnamese Declaring independence. Vietnam was a French colony before the Second World War and, with the liberation of German controlled France; they decided to try to reclaim their imperial state for the French empire. The leader of the Vietnam (Ho …

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…sunk by Vietnamese ships and the Pleiku incident where a U.S. base that got attacked by Vietcong. There were several reasons why America got increasingly involved in the Vietnam War. They would afraid that the domino theory was true and would lead to a communist Asia; they were bound by the Truman Doctrine to help any country resisting communism and they were scared that communism would consume the world if Vietnam wasn't kept democratic.