Why bilingual education is so important for high schools What are some advantages of having ESL classes for foreign students? How does it benefit them?

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Why bilingual education is so important for high schools? This question is easy to answer and prove with facts. Indeed, America is a country of immigrants from all over the world, who come with their own culture, traditions and language. Moreover, some immigrants come from the countries with good educational standards and some have poor educational levels. However, the number one problem, which is faced by foreign students, is the problem of English language. For …

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…Lincoln High School and enter into a prestigious University. I know that government spent more money to help me on my way to success, but soon I will be able to repay this money in taxes, by getting a good position in a company. Thanks to the bilingual education I will be able to achieve success in life and make my American dream a reality. <Tab/><Tab/>