Why are women still not equal to men?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Women are equal to men, true or false? Women won there rights, they won the right to vote, to inherit, to be a political figure, to own land, and etc. But if society says that they are equal to men, why are they still opressed? They have proven over and over that they are just as good as men. They are as smart, as dedicated, and as strong as men, but why has no women …

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…said she was tryng to be a man, that she was trying to attract guys, that she was a slut. The harassed her and didn't respect her, saying that girls couldn't play football. Eventually, my friend quit the team, because she couldn't stand it. I live in a country where women are supposedly equal to men, so why is it that every time someone does something considered "manly" they are instantly teased and annoyed? Why?