Why animals should be used in biomedical research.
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Pages: 2
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Pages: 2
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Throughout history, scientists have been saving peoples lives by solving medical problems, developing new techniques and treatments and curing diseases by using animals in biomedical research. Animal research has played a major role in the past one hundred years by improving the lives of humans and animals. Even though the topic of animals used in biomedical research is very controversial to some people or groups the outcome of using animals in testing facilities has lead
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for diseases and disorders that cause pain, disabilities, and even death to humans and animals each year. Many of the deadly diseases of the past have been controlled or abolished by animal testing in biomedical research. With the knowledge gained thought researching animals, we can continue to improve the lives of humans and animals for the future. Animals in biomedical research have played one of the biggest roles in keeping our society healthy and prosperous.
for diseases and disorders that cause pain, disabilities, and even death to humans and animals each year. Many of the deadly diseases of the past have been controlled or abolished by animal testing in biomedical research. With the knowledge gained thought researching animals, we can continue to improve the lives of humans and animals for the future. Animals in biomedical research have played one of the biggest roles in keeping our society healthy and prosperous.