Why Today

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In today's society, the youth of America and Mainstream entertainment have been getting into a lot of trouble. Between the recent high school shootings, the highest rate of single teenage mothers in 20 years, and overflowing juvenile prisons, the media has been having a ball making billions off of the misfortune of America's youth. As a result, the media has been pinning the blame on the Entertainment industry. While it is true that the corporate music, …

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…as bad as a bum asking for change, or adults drinking in public in the eyes of some. Young adults are well known for being one of the most motivated and influential age groups in existence, but only when a common goal unites them. It takes a lot to get most teenagers really interested in a political topic. I believe we would have a more informed and educated society if the voting age were lowered.