Why Stalin, Not Trotsky, Became Lenin's Successor

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Essay Database > History > World History
Stalin emerged as Lenin's successor for many different reasons. Stalin was a vicious man with many strengths which helped him gain leadership. He was the quiet one in the Bolshevik party, but appeared as Lenin's loyal colleague after his death in 1924. Stalin took on the job of General Secretary and that put him in control of the Bolshevik party. With his position, he promoted his friends and those who supported him and he demoted his …

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…successor as he was a strong and ruthless man who was determined to get his own way. He mixed his own ideas with Lenin's and manipulated those who did not support him. Stalin was man of many personalities; being kind to his opposition whilst plotting to kill them. Trotsky was always seen as the weaker opposition. He was to ambitious for the Russian people and was feared because of his control of the Red Army.