Why Slavery had such a big impact on the casue of the Civil War

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Civil War was fought only because the North was opposed to slavery and the South was in favor of it. I believe that the Civil War was fought only because of slavery. The North and South had disagreements on almost everything, but the biggest thing they disagreed on was slavery. The American Revolution had been fought to validate the idea that all men were created equal, yet slavery was legal in all of the …

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…that slavery was the biggest one. The North and South's disagreements brought it on, and are probably the other main reason of the cause of the Civil War. This is a devastating fact, to know that slavery had such a huge impact on why our country's fathers, brothers, and uncles had to fight each other, but it is true. The Civil War is a big part of our American history, but unfortunately, so is slavery.