Why Parliament diskliked Charles I

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Essay Database > History > European History
The English Parliament disliked Charles I for four reasons: his rudeness to the members, several unconstitutional acts, terrible affinity for wasting money, and forcing the Laudian reforms upon them. Charles I was often extremely disrespectful of Parliament, especially when he selfishly became angry. For example, in 1626, Parliament ruled that the king could not collect the tonnage and poundage tax, which he desperately wanted. Upon hearing this, he refused to listen to any of their other …

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…accept, the Presbyterian Scots were outraged when Charles tried to make changes in the Scottish church, and many riots broke out in protest. When Charles called up Parliament 1640, aptly called the "Long Parliament," he asked for more money to aid in suppressing the Scots. However, the members of Parliament then expressed their opposition to the Laudian reforms, and demanded that Charles get rid of the Laudian reforms and change the English church back to Anglican.