Why Malays lack an spirit of capitalism in colonial singapore?

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Examining Malays' Lack of Capitalist Spirit in Colonial Singapore <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> Introduction <Tab/>The absence of prominent Malay entrepreneurs is apparent in the history of colonial Singapore. To the contrary, the Chinese, Indians and Europeans have had no lack of famous businessmen. Names such as Tan Che Sang, Hoo Ah Kay, Naraina Pillai …

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…merchants became successful entrepreneurs simply because they participated in the trade goals of the British and the structural features of colonial rule. British policies therefore determined the nature of Malay, Chinese and Indian occupational patterns according to their perception of the characteristics of these different ethnic groups. More importantly, the impact of colonial rule and ideology led to the underdevelopment of the Malay entrepreneurial class, an influence that has monumental negative consequences up till today.