Why Irish People Migrated To Australia

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Essay Database > History
Why Irish people migrated to Australia Between the years of 1845 and 1849, Ireland experienced a devastating natural disaster known as the Potato Famine. During this period and in the succeeding years, living conditions in Ireland were so terrible that Irish citizens emigrated in droves. Their experiences as immigrants to Australia were not all good, even though at the time Australia was a developing nation wanting more immigrants to make their home on its shores. Despite this, …

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…country. To then migrate to a completely different country on the other side of the world and fare as well as they have is something to be admired. During a period when the country and the people of Ireland were falling to pieces, these brave newcomers came to Australia and found a home. Today, the thousands of Irish-Australian citizens living in Australia are a living testimony that their suffering, in the end, was worth something.