Why I am Proud I'm an American with a free press

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Freedom of the press is a right that all Americans have. In a world where a country's feuding political parties and their conflicting views battle between themselves, an outlet to express your view and opinion without the fear of persecution is a grand thing to call your own. The majority of the other countries in this world, even now in the 21st Century, can not boast to claim to a right that many Americans believe …

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…and information, the government is condemning those millions of people to a closet in which only chosen information is filtered to them. The government can expose them to whatever information they see fit. Thereby attempting control or influencing their thoughts and beliefs as a whole. With free press, we can be exposed to a wide spectrum of news without hesitation. This is what free press is about and why I am proud to have it.