Why I am Grateful to American Veterans. Note: very emotional and mushy towards end.

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"We must be the great arsenal of democracy." These renowned words were spoken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940. America is a land known by many names, the arsenal of democracy, the land of opportunity, and as President George Bush puts it, "...the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world...." These names all center on one fact - America is truly the land of the free. We give people fundamental rights such as …

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…keeping the light of liberty alive at home. These heroic contributions to society make every veteran, no matter what age, gender or race, a hero in my eyes. Though many's voices have been silenced, their songs will forever echo in the caverns of our hearts reminding us of their courageous deeds and love of this nation. I am grateful to all veterans for their deep and profound patriotism which has helped make this country great.