Why Hamlet Is Not Fit To Rule

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Why Hamlet Is Not Fit To Rule Actions judged without empathy implore bias at the deepest root. Seldom, life experience equals the paradox of participant observation with the magnitude and malice of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Although Hamlet tragically suffers misfortune from the volition of others, his character measures in deed and thought. From the scant background on Hamlet's youth to the words of Hamlet himself, ample evidence shows Hamlet unsuited to lead. A good man of …

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…morality preys self-paralyzing. Sheltered youth, endmost love for his parents and ghostly visits inculcate and reinforce his susceptibility to the outside world. Hamlet depicts evil for evil yet good as crushed worthiness. In essence, a socialized norm of honor and morality dictate the test for Hamlet, whereas the inability to reconcile the loss of his father and mother's shame ordains Hamlet a victim of humiliation, not a leader. Hamlet, -- born to relinquish, not rule.