Why England First to Industrialze

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Why was England the first country to industrialize? There are many reasons as to why England was the first of the European nation-states to industrialize. First off there were conditions that already existed in England prior to the Industrial Revolution, that help to explain why England was first to industrialize. Feudalism was already breaking down around the early 1700s. The death of Feudalism resulted in many serfs that were left to find a new way …

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…The British government created many policies that supported economic growth and also created new laws that encouraged new inventions and new banking systems. The death of feudalism, the Enclosure Movement, the Enlightenment, and the backing of the British government all played a role in England being the first European nation-state to industrialize. All these factors had some role in pushing England towards an industrialized system of commerce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Cohen, Robin; Kennedy Paul , Global Sociology