"Why Do Boys and Girls Behave Differently"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
"Why Do Boys and Girls Behave Differently" The question of what influences differences in the two genders is not likely to have an answer in the near future. Each expert has different conclusions. They feel that this question can change the structure of society if it were answered. Both sides feel their opinions are correct. Scientists will have to conduct many experiments before there is proof for either argument. For example, one expert believes there …

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…opinions about their findings. This question, a complex and important one, is not likely to be answered soon. Works Cited Mednick, Martha, and Nancy Felipe Russo. "The Sexes Are Not Born with Different Brains." Reasoning & Writing Well. Second edition. Ed. Betty Mattix Dietsch. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing, 2000. 693-696. Restak, Richard M. "The Other Difference between Boys and Girls." Reasoning & Writing Well. Third edition. Ed. Betty Mattix Dietsch. Boston: Mcgraw Hill Publishing, 2003. 693-697.