Why Did the US withdraw its forces from Vietnam in 1973?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Why Did the US withdraw its forces from Vietnam in 1973? The US presence in Vietnam was required to contain the communist influence from living up to the expectations of the Domino Theory. At the time France was fighting to gain back control of Vietnam as it was beginning to receive attacks from small guerrilla groups, so America saw it as its duty to help out their French associates by giving money and supplying weapons, if …

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…the suffering of Vietnamese people made Americans do something to stop the war. It led to many, many demonstrations and protests against the war and showed the American government that no one wanted the war. The willing determination of VC troops also played a part. By showing the USA that they would not stop fighting, it gave off the message that the war could not be won against an enemy that would not give up.