Why Cloning Shouldn't Be Banned

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Early in 1997 Scottish scientist Dr. Ian Wilmot revealed to the world that he had successfully cloned an entire adult sheep. Dolly was the young clone's given name. With this announcement the world made a collective gasp at the realization that no longer was cloning a pipe dream or an element of science fiction movies. Immediately, cloning became one of the most debated topics in the world. From the school house to the White House discussions …

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…movies. Cloning is still a young science that is imperfect. Only research will lead to its improvement and perfection. To ban this research will result in the loss of a technology that will someday cure diseases, or prevent the deaths of people who wait endlessly for an organ for transplant, or even give hope to people who otherwise cannot have their own child. Which action, banning or not banning, is really the less ethical choice?