Why Canada is less Xenophobic than America

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Canada is a great country, and it is our morals and beliefs that make us so great. Morals like our stance on immigration. Since 1867, Canada has had one of the best immigration policies in the world, one that doesn't just let a diversity of people into the country, but also supports these very same people and creates a community of citizens respected throughout the world that achieve far greater success here than anywhere else. But …

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…Canada, which cannot be said for most of America's immigrant population. America assimilates people into their culture, instead of celebrating the very thing that makes them unique. When you ask an American immigrant from Jamaica what nationality they are, they will respond "American!" when you ask a Canadian immigrant from Jamaica what nationality they are, they will respond "Jamaican Mon!" and that is exactly what makes Canada the great, Xenophobic free, country that it is.