Why Beowulf Should be Taught in Christian Schools

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"Beowulf" is an intensely violent and gruesome story. While this is an exceptionally graphic book, the author did not intend this to be a purely entertainment book; he wrote it as a didactic piece of literature (containing a moral message). Throughout the book, the author creates symbolism between his fictional characters and Biblical characters and between his fictional events and Biblical events. Beowulf is a Christian, didactic novel and therefore should be taught and discussed …

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…dragon. That person symbolized us as sinners and Beowulf is Jesus who sacrificed his very life to save us. By implementing Beowulf to the literature curriculum in a Christian school, you reap the fruit of learning about what the author has already discovered in the Word of God. It doesn't make sense to 're-invent the wheel' by reading only from the scriptures and discovering principles that have already been uncovered in books such as Beowulf.