Why Atomic Bombs Are Used?
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Pages: 4
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > History
On 6th August 1945, the first of the two fatal bombs was dropped on the army base of Hiroshima. Three days later on the 9th August, the second was dropped on Nagasaki. Both bombs caused widespread damage to Japan, and the knock on effects of radiation have caused the number of those killed to increase every year since 1945, totalling nearly 240,000 deaths. Therefore, those who designed and invented the bomb must have had strong reasons as to
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government decided to carry out the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was because this would bring about a swift end to the war, and therefore save thousands of American lives. With mounting pressure on the American government to end the war, it was vital that this was done with minimum casualties. And therefore, the first of the bombs was dropped. However, as Japan did not surrender, the second bomb was dropped finally ending the war.
government decided to carry out the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was because this would bring about a swift end to the war, and therefore save thousands of American lives. With mounting pressure on the American government to end the war, it was vital that this was done with minimum casualties. And therefore, the first of the bombs was dropped. However, as Japan did not surrender, the second bomb was dropped finally ending the war.