Who's the Boss?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
What does the word union mean to you? My thoughts wonder to workers, disgruntled employees, and strikes. What if you read the word union with others such as order, justice, tranquility, welfare, blessing of liberty and posterity? These words are the roots of the Constitution that not only inspire patriotism but also a guideline for a balanced government. Our forefathers wanted a central government that was strong enough to run the United States but not …

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…to get acknowledgment before election. So you have two groups both with different agendas and speed. The judicial branch doesn't need to worry about election once appointed they serve until retired, death or a felony. Laws that they interpret as unconstitutional they will nullify without any hassle of influence of the other branches or any political party. Just the idea of being able to interpret law, in my opinion is power all on its own.