"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" by Edward Albee

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
A. In the play, each of the four characters has their own personal secrets revealed. First, George's failed attempt at being an author is brought to light by Martha. She tells Nick and Honey about how George wrote a whole novel about a boy killing his mother and his father, and how her father denied him the right to publish it. He dubs this time of verbal abuse "Humiliate the Host." Next, George turns the …

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…not only uncaring about this, but is actually happy about it. Lastly, George gets his revenge on Martha by playing a game titled "Bring up the Baby." He is so angry at her for telling Honey that they have a child, that he tells her that their "son" is dead. This finally ends all of the lies and half-truths that these two couples have been living in, and brings them closer together in the end.