Who or what was to be blamed for the deaths of romeo and juliet?

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The deaths of Romeo and Juliet appear needless, as it was mainly the people around them who were fighting and disagreeing about the relationship. Romeo and Juliet mainly kept out of the fighting but their lives were made miserable and unhappy by the people around them who were interfering, and because they were so deeply in love with each other, they refused to be split up and therefore took risks to stay together which eventually …

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…his complicated plans, which require accurate timing, and in the end simply did not happen. Romeo did not receive the letter, so when he heard the bad news from Balthasar, he thought Juliet was really dead. Friar Laurence need not have granted the requests of Romeo and Juliet without carefully considering the consequences. I do not think fate played a part in the play as there were too many mistakes made by the main characters.