Who is watching; who is being watched? - "Miss Brill" by Katherine Mansfield

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Miss Brill" seemed to be a pedestrian short story at first time I read it; however, after reading it several times, I found what happened in "Miss Brill" was similar to what happened in my daily life and it explained what our teacher Mr. Yu said: Literature represents life. I believe the reason why this short story could be famous and lasting for so long was because it aroused echoes in readers' hearts. The short …

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…something and to experience it is different.) Simple questions like these are often needed a life time to find out the answers and all human beings are searching, searching for these answers, consciously or unconsciously. I have been searching for a long time, consciously, and I know Miss Brill is the last person I want to be in the world. I hope, one day, I could find out a satisfied answer for "What is life?"