Who is special enough for special education

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Have you ever wanted to be smarter? Wished that you had all the gifts and abilities that are associated with being a “super human genius”? Coveted the inconceivable abilities of masterminds such as Galileo and Einstein? Throughout the history of man it has been these kinds of great minds that deviate from the current method of thinking, in turn creating new lines of reason and more holistic understandings of the world around us. We label …

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…society. But first they need to feel comfortable with themselves as deviants that the world looks after and nurtures. They should view themselves as an unusual and in expendable natural human resource. And they can only do that if we show them. If our laws provide the funding and programs necessary for them to feel supported and looked after they will grow up to feel confident about themselves and their gift. Bibliography Roeper Review vol.18,3