"Who is Man?" by Abraham Heschel

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Essay Database > History
A Prophetic Voice in Our Midst As the decade of the 1960's moved onward from its hopeful beginnings through the ordeal of assassinations, urban crises, and protracted war to the opening of yet another new frontier in outer space, a disquieting voice was heard increasingly throughout America. The voice was that of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. On college and university campuses, at Christian seminaries as well as Jewish rabbinical assemblies, at colloquies on race relations …

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…in 1927 enrolled in the University of Berlin. There, in the faculty of philosophy in which he studied, the school of phenomenology was at its height--a viewpoint which was to have its influence on his later work. But while appreciatively absorbing the riches of the modern intellectual tradition, he remembered with equal appreciation the world of fervent faith and piety from which he had come; and he resolved to try to hold these two worlds together.