Who Is To Blame For The Tragedy Of Antigone?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Creon, a man of extreme pride, caused the tragedy of Thebes with is many character flaws. His son Haemon advised him to become more compassionate. Teiresias the prophet advised him to change his pride-filled ways. Yet, through Creon's actions he crushed his family. Perhaps Antigone's tragedy man have been avoided if he headed their words of wisdom. Creon has many character flaws that led to the tragic end of the play. One of the many …

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…character. These flaws lead to the demise of not only Antigone, but Haemon as well. He was advised by both his son and a prophet, but nothing got through until it was too late. His stubbornness slaughtered the people dearest to him. His paranoia led him to fear everyone was plotting against him. Creon couldn't see the errors in his ways. Teiresas said "'what glory is it to kill a man who is dead?"'