Who Am I?

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Maria clenches her fists while looking at her watch. It is just before two o'clock. Desperate to get home, she cannot help but pray that the next several minutes of her English class go by as fast as possible. The bell rings, and without any hesitation she pops up from her desk. Moments later, she finds herself more than relieved to have set foot in her front yard. "Mom, I'm home," Maria shouted as she …

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…instead I am the reason she is dead." "I do not deserve to be here anymore," she screams. A week goes by and she returns to her old habits: depression, unusual sleeping patterns, crying out of nowhere, drugs, etc. She submits herself into rehab. Hours later, she is found hanging from the ceiling of her room by a sheet with the words, 'I am sorry, but this is who I am' written on her arm.