Whites discriminating against blacks, blacks discriminating against blacks in the film "Glory"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Glory is a movie about the Civil War. It is considered by many to be one of the greatest war movies of all time. Glory is about Colonel Robert Shaw and the first all-black volunteer company. Shaw and the 54th regiment have to fight the prejudices and discrimination that they face. In this movie there were two forms of discrimination, black against black discrimination, and white against black. At the end of the movie, everyone …

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…and inferior came to see that the black soldiers were determined and could not be deterred. Over half of the members of the 54th regiment died and more were injured. These soldiers proved that they were ready, willing, and able. They set such a good example that Lincoln allowed black soldiers to enlist. Trip realized that he and the other black soldiers had to work together to achieve their goal of attaining freedom and respect.